Requirements - Financial
Tuition and Fees
Each institution will cover stipends, tuition and fees associated with their students being part of the Dual Degree Program during both the home and host periods of study/research. Students from USP traveling to OSU under the program will be enrolled as graduate students in TPS-GP under appropriate status as defined by the Graduate School. If possible (e.g., by virtue of special grants from research organizations) their OSU tuition/administrative fees required to complete the OSU part of the plan will be provided by the home country (Brazil). In the event that funds are not available from Brazil to cover tuition/administrative fees at OSU, the TPS-GP will consider to cover these expenses. A special “travel allowance” may be also provided by TPS-GP to USP students as needed, to cover some incidentals.
Students from OSU traveling to USP under the Dual Degree program will be enrolled as graduate students in the IPCMB program and OSU will pay for the stipend and other mandatory instructional costs associated with the USP aspect of their Dual Degree candidates.
OSU Graduate student tuition and fees can be found at